
Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Taki's story review

On the Snail Trail by Katharine Derrick

WALT review articles we read.

The article is about Hilary, Justine and Derrick who were in a group that went to Matakohe-Limestone island to watch eleven snails being set free and when they went back to Matakohe-Limestone island  they found one snail dead. The story takes place at MataKohe - Limestone island.

I like this article because 11 snails were set free in MataKohe-Limestone island.

Thursday, 8 August 2013

My Story Review


I loved reading the story Super Toy Makes written by Karen Anderson.

I like the way the author used strong powerful and interesting words in the story.

The story is about a kid who gets a battery, a bulb and two wires from the teacher, and he made the light glow. Everyone was amazed and crowded around him.
The characters in the story are Daniel, Mrs. Gray, the wizard and the other kids.
The story takes place at the school.

The thing I like about this story is that the kids made their own toys and it was cool.

Friday, 2 August 2013

Story Review

Centre Stage By Kenn Benn

The story is about Donna who was going to perform in front of the school.
The characters in the story are Donna, Alice, Tama and Mr Warner.
The story  takes place at school.
The main problem was the stage because Tama and Alice did not turn the stage properly.

The characters solved the problem because Tama used a felt tip pen to mark the stage’s starting point. The thing I like about the story is that the stage turns.